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My 10th birthday pledge for FoodClique

by Temi (12 years old)

On my 10th birthday, in 2019, I volunteered to raise funds for charity and so I pledged my birthday to FoodClique charity. FoodClique is a non-profit charity organisation that stores and distributes purchased or donated perishable and non-perishable foods to the less privileged through various programs like a community kitchen, free school meals for children of low-income parents, food hampers for the destitute or homeless, etc. in Nigeria. FoodClique is one of the Charities Afrikindess love and support.

What motivated me was when my parents showed me pictures of malnourished children and those who hawk on the streets to survive. It was quite shocking, and I had to put myself in that scenario as well. Some children under the age of 10 living in poverty are supposedly the breadwinners in their families. Some take on jobs, like fishing, to support their parents and get a daily meal. This is tough. It is very tough.

I kept thinking...

  • Street hawkers (children selling goods on the roadside) could potentially be killed on the motorway.
  • Malnourished children with stunted growth could become ill and die. It is very tough to live without proper food.
  • With no proper meal and some having to work before going to school, their education will be impacted.
  • Children with no food have resorted to being street beggars, begging for food on the streets.
  • Some children live in the poorest, unsafe conditions, and could get diseases.

I knew without a doubt that I needed to do something. So, I pledged my birthday. The process of pledging your birthday is easy and anyone can do it. I started my pledge by asking my friends and family if, instead of getting me birthday presents and having a party, they could donate money to me so I can use it to give people good food to eat through FoodClique charity.

Afrikindness Foodclique birthday pledge

I started by setting up a Gofundme account with the help of my parents and got my friends to donate money instead of a birthday gift. To achieve this, I did a presentation and stood in front of my class to explain all about the charity, why it was important to me and how the money I raised would help those less fortunate than ourselves in Nigeria. My friends listened with compassion and gave me a round of applause when I had finished. I was over the moon. Although I didn’t get the same response from some others I had previously talked with, I was happy with what I had done overall.

I approached more people I knew and asked them for help. I even asked some important dignitaries like the councillor of the area I live in. You don’t have to go ask dignitaries for help; anyone can have an impact on others.

The campaign, which we named, War against hunger, raised one thousand and forty-five pounds (£1,045). I got generous support from people, my friends, and my families, which I’m eternally grateful for. £1,045 is a LOT of money in Naira. (Naira is the currency used in Nigeria). Please don’t think you have to raise thousands of pounds; charity can be as big or as small as you want it to be. If your heart wants to do it; £5, £10, even £100 raised for charity could mean more than a thousand and go a long way to help others.

Some of the funds raised were used for three food projects in schools and orphanages in Lagos state, Nigeria. Food packages and hot meals were given to people in three different places in Lagos. The places were:

  • Destiny Primary School, Makoko, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Okobaba Destitute home Okobaba, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Modupe Cole Memorial Child Care and Treatment Home School, Nigeria

Destiny Primary School, Makoko

The first event was held on the 17th of July 2019, at Destiny School Makoko. We provided free school meals to the pupils and for many of them, that was all the food they had for that day.

Afrikindness foodclique birthday pledge

Okobaba Destitute home

The second event was held at Okobaba destitute home on July 18th, 2019. We provided hot meals of Jollof rice (one of Nigeria’s rich and incredibly tasty rice dishes) and fried chicken to the children. Some of the children took extra plates for their parents and carers, who are mostly beggars, lepers or physically challenged.

Modupe Cole Memorial Care Centre

The third event was held at Modupe Cole memorial care and treatment home on the 21st of July 2019 and 20 food boxes containing Rice, Garri, and groceries were delivered to the care centre.

As cheap as a cake can be to us, it’s still a luxury to many people. The children loved the cakes that were given to them; they were elated as they took pictures with them and enjoyed eating them as well. Our generous contribution helped ensure many people did not go to bed hungry. I was also told by the CEO of FoodClique, Mr. Bolajoko Fadipe, that a boy walked up to him and said,

" I have been hawking all day hungry and with no sales, but I was happy when I was served Jollof rice, chicken, and cake. God bless you all, and I am sure my mother will be happy with the extra plate I am taking home to her."

I know most of us love to have gifts for our birthdays but giving to others is how charity starts. I feel charity doesn’t start until you lose something. It could be your money, time, energy, kind words, knowledge etc. Anything that brings hope, joy, smile, and laughter to others. It is worth it.

From this wonderful experience, I have learnt to be courageous, confident, and helpful to those in need. I also appreciate all my friends and donors for their generous contributions towards feeding the hungry. It has been the most rewarding and humbling birthday, especially seeing that over 750 children and adults benefited from my birthday pledge.

Hunger exists everywhere, so we can all come together and help the best way we can to achieve the global target to end hunger. Having visited Nigeria and some other places recently, I must say that there is still a lot to be done. Let us help ourselves and build a future together. Please donate if you can, volunteer if you can, be an advocate if you can.

Why don’t you pledge your birthday too?

Every little helps!!!

"The more we give, the more we receive. It’s important to receive, because the seeds you plant today will be what you harvest tomorrow."

Farrah Gray

We've listed different ways you can get involved.

Contact us at if you want to pledge your birthday too. We’ll work together to make it happen.

Also, let’s know about your acts of kindness to others and we’ll look to feature them.

Thank you.

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