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We make things happen here!


Do you have a brilliant project that you would like to fundraise for in your school or community?

If YES, we’d love to hear about your project idea and we can assist to bring the idea to life. Afrikindness will provide every support to ensure your project idea is implemented. Your project idea could be fundraising for a cause, organising a school event, community cleanup, volunteering, or any idea that would create a kinder school and/or community.

To help, you can start by thinking of ways you can show kindness to others, to the environment, or to Africa. Look around you for issues or challenges that you would like to change in your school or community.

You can also ask an adult to help with ideas that can help create a kinder world. We would love to hear your brilliant ideas and we will support you to implement them.



The Afrikindness community including children and young people are currently doing projects all across the world. The projects below are amazing ideas from children who are involved in various charity projects making a significant impact on others. Here are some of the projects currently underway.

Some of these projects could be happening around you. Please contact us if you wish to get involved in any of the ongoing projects

Furniture donation by Bridge Community Church Leeds, UK

January - May 2022

Bridge Community Church (BCC), Rider St, Leeds


How to participate

BCC kids is known as Junction 2:52. Their aim is that all children, through their childhood, will learn to love God, love others, love life, and grow and glorify God; fulfilling the purposes He has for their lives.

BCC kids are currently fundraising to provide furniture for a local school in Nigeria. The school has over 1000 schoolchildren and the furniture is in a very bad state. If you attend BCC in Leeds, why not ask to be part of the fundraising project. If you live in Leeds UK and are not a member of BCC, you can be part of it too. Contact us or via our email to be part of the fundraising project

Kids Ministry | BCC Leeds

6k Walk for Water with World Vision

21st May 2022

All Locations in the UK

How to participate

World Vision is a global community of people working together for one purpose: to change the lives of vulnerable children. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. World Vision Global 6k walk for water is coming up on the 21st of May 2022.

Afrikindness community will host the 6k walk/run for 2022. The Global 6K is great because you can do it anywhere! Walk or run the distance, by yourself or with your family, and be part of this global movement to change lives. Whether you join from the treadmill or your favorite trail, the neighborhood or the track, or with Afrikindness kids when you and thousands of others around the world walk, jog, or stroller-run your way to 6K on May 21st, 2022, you’ll bring life-changing clean water to those who need it most.

Contact us if you would like to join the Afrikindness team or you would like to host a 6k walk or run within your community. See what was done in the Global 6K Walk for Water 2021 - JustGiving

Pledge your birthday to celebrate others

All year round

All locations - Global

How to participate

You've been there. You're turning another year older, and you don't know how to celebrate your birthday. Is it a pool party? A day out with friends?

No matter what you choose, it's probably going to be about you, and that's not exactly exciting. Don't get us wrong - you deserve the celebration! But imagine if you could take your birthday and use it to help make someone else's day a little brighter, better, and put a smile on a fellow kid’s face.

Afrikindness helps feed children who suffer from food insecurity, leaving them malnourished and unable to achieve their potential in life. With the help of people like you, we can provide meal packs and give kids the nutrition they need to thrive.

Planning a meaningful birthday is simple when you decide to make a difference through Afrikindness. We'll provide you with all the tools you need to create and customize your own birthday campaign so that your friends and family can donate directly to your page - just make sure to tell them that, instead of getting you a gift, they should donate what they would have spent on your birthday. It's a simple way to give back and celebrate another year of being alive. Your donation can be used for any project and location you wish or you can donate your birthday pledge directly to a charity. See a 10th birthday pledge of Afrikindness kid.

Contact us if you would like to pledge your birthday to celebrate others - in the Afrikindness way.

Books donation by Papplewick school Ascot, UK

January - May 2022

Papplewick School, Ascot, Berkshire, UK SL5 7LH

How to participate

A note from the Headmaster of Papplewick school says ‘Yet for all these high standards, we believe that the happiness of the boys should come first. Therefore, our final and most valued award on Speech Day goes to the boy who has shown the greatest enthusiasm for life, contribution to the community, and, above all, kindness to others. The school values kindness to others and as such is currently donating school reading books and literature to support a local school library in Nigeria. This is exemplary.

We have a lot of schools across the world in need of good library books that will benefit thousands of children. Contact us or via our email if you or your school would like to donate books to support others in need of them.

Papplewick School From the Headmaster

Clothes and toys donation to others

All year round

All locations - Global

How to participate

Join the movement of young people who are passionately taking action to improve the lives of their peers. Afrikindness wants to spread love and warmth (in the form of clothing) throughout Africa and around the world. We accept all kinds of clothing, including shirts, dresses, shoes, hats, and more in good condition. If you've outgrown it or don't want it anymore, we'll take it. We accept both new and used clothing in good condition - used is better than nothing.

We will make sure that your donated clothes go to children who need them. We are very careful about ensuring that your donations get to the right people at the right time and in the right place. We know that times are tough for a lot of us right now. But if you can spare anything at all (even if it's just one shirt that you never wear), we'll make sure it finds a home where it will be loved and appreciated by someone who doesn't have anything else to wear. You could help a child who has never really had good clothes before - it's something that most of us take for granted, but it can make a difference to those with so little.

Please think about donating your good-quality used clothes and toys today. You can also set up Afrikindness clothing or toy basket/stand in your church or school so that your friends can also donate as well. The more donation, the better. If you let us know about your donation stand and the location, a volunteer from Afrikindness will pick up the clothing and ensure it goes to a home that needs it. How simple is that!

Contact us or via our email if you or/and your friends would like to set up an Afrikindess clothing/toys donation stand in your school or church. We would send you an Afrikindness banner and flyers to make your stand creative and a volunteer will pick up your donated items to homes that need them most. Super kind of you. See a few Afrikindness clothing.

Bake Sale - Yummy cakes, Yummy snacks for sale

All year round

All locations - Global

How to participate

Are you ready to bake your heart out for charity? We hope so because we need YOUR help with our Bake Sale to raise funds to support children in need.

We believe in the importance of giving back and making a difference, especially when it comes to kids in need. Bake Sale is a quarterly event that involves our community baking cakes and other goodies to sell at local cafes and coffee shops. It's one of our favorite events of the year because not only does it raise money for a great cause - it also helps us meet great people like YOU who love making a difference just as much as we do.

We have a few options for you to choose from: You can bake cakes, muffins, cookies, etc at home with friends and families. Then set up an Afrikindness stall to sell your cakes and pastries. We would send you an Afrikindness banner and flyers to make your stand creative. The funds raised from the bake sale can be donated to any charity of your choice to support children in need. So, why not start today? Get your friends and family to help and be a kind Hero to someone else.

Contact us or via our email if you and your friends would like to set up an Afrikindess cake stand in your school or church.

Cleanup AFRICA

All year round

All locations - Africa

How to participate

Do you know that taking care of the environment is an important part of being kind to our planet? We should have that positive sense of responsibility towards our environment because it is an integral part of us. Litters, garbage, and refuses all around us are unpleasant and can be harmful. We can do something about it. Why not organize a clean-up day with your family or friends? You can pick up litter around your school, Create posters that will encourage others on the 3R principle - to reduce, recycle and reuse. You can start a campaign in your school or church for a clean-up day.

Contact us or via our email if you and your friends would like to clean up for Africa.


Have you completed a project that you would like to share? We’d love to hear and see all the kind things you have done for others. Sharing your kind story will inspire other children to do more as well. Remember, Kindness has a ripple effect that spreads outward.

Ask a parent or guardian to help take pictures or videos of what your kind act. Contact us via email, if you’d like to share a photo or video, or story of what you have done for others or for Africa. We love to hear from you.


The Afrikindness community which includes children and young people has done many charity projects. The various acts of kindness shown are making a remarkable impact on others. We will showcase your projects once completed here.


We donate our African clothing that are in very good condition, so it can be used by others within the UK. As African clothing are good for summer wear, we collect donated clothing during the year and set up an African Charity shop for free.

Drop off your nice looking African wear, and we will spread the African love everywhere it is needed.


These are a few of the activities we do to show our Acts of kindness

Fundraising events

  • Organise Charity walks
  • Organise Bake Sale
  • Organise Music concerts
  • Birthday pledge
  • Sponsored activities like skydiving etc
It is one thing to be taught kindness. It is another thing to be touched by it
It is one thing to be taught kindness. It is another thing to be touched by it

Volunteer / Donate

  • Be part of a group or charity that helps people
  • Donate good clothing and toys
  • Donate good books


  • Talk about kindness.
  • Blog about charity events
  • Create kindness awareness in school
  • Be a Charity Talk Host
  • Create Arts to show Kindness
It is one thing to be taught kindness. It is another thing to be touched by it
It is one thing to be taught kindness. It is another thing to be touched by it

Be part of a Community project

  • Clean-up/Environmental sanitation
  • Set up your Clothing stand
  • School Kindness projects
  • Church Kindness projects


We connect with one another through kindness. Sharing items, donating items, receiving items are good ways to connect with one another globally. Afrikindness Connect is a place where we connect schools who want to help those in need of help. If you know of a school in need of essential items for children, please you can request for help. Recently, we had a huge donation of books and literature from a school in the UK to a school in Nigeria. That is a kind way to connect to one another.

Afrikindness connect

If your school is in need of educational resources, books, toys, or items that are essential for the well-being of children, please Download Connect form and email it to

If you are looking for a project to fundraise or to help a school in need, please visit the List of projects in need. Contact us via email if you would like to support any school on the list of projects in need.

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Be an inspiration

Contact us

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You can also complete and submit our Contact us form

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