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Kindness is an act of compassion, humanity, love, concern, and sympathy. It is considered to be the highest human quality because all other virtues emerge from it.


Have you got a story to share? We’d love to see and hear about the kind things you have been up to! Show and tell your kind stories or share news of a kind project you participated in here. Your story or blogs could inspire someone. Make sure to include pictures to make it more interesting. Ask a parent or guardian to send it to us.



Kindness TV showcases acts of kindness with the aim of inspiring others to do the same, be kind and engender a culture of kindness.

The purpose of this channel is for us to show how much we care about ourselves, about each other, and our environment.

Have fun watching! Make sure you are learning.

Kindness to oneself

It is important that you are kind to yourself each day, avoiding negative self-talk. ‘’I’m so bad at this”, “I’m a loser”, “I’m stupid” When you are unkind to yourself, it will negatively impact your state of reasoning, confidence, and self-esteem which could be harmful to your mental health. Don't be mean to yourself. Remember this - Don’t say anything to yourself you wouldn’t say to a friend.

Kindness to others

Kindness creates positive self-worth. It creates a world that is free from bullies, fighting, and wars.

An act of kindness can boost confidence and happiness. We need more happiness in the world right now.

Be Kind.

Kindness to the environment

A clean environment is essential for our healthy living. Pollutants are harmful to our health and can cause respiratory diseases and various health problems.

There are simple ways you can help protect the Earth.

Be Kind.

Kindness to Africa

Africa is a beautiful continent, filled with rich cultures, traditions, food, great people and so much more. There is so much to learn about ourselves, each other, and what unites us together as a people. Embracing cultures and traditions gives you a sense of identity. This makes it easy to talk to friends around you about your origin and history.

So, let’s explore Africa together.


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CBBC Newsroom World Kindness Day 2021: Why being kind is good for us

World Kindness Day 2021: Why being kind is good for us

by CBBC Newsroom

Activity village World Cleanup Day

World Cleanup Day

by Activity Village

52 lives charity 10 Ways to practice Self-kindness - School of kindness

10 Ways to practice Self-kindness - School of kindness

by 52 lives charity

52 lives charity Science of kindness

Science of kindness

by 52 lives charity

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Be an inspiration

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