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Hello Friend,

I’m Temi Owolabi. I’m a Nigerian and live with my family in England. I love playing board games, video games, and playing my SAX. Oh, I love to play with friends. Although it’s fun to play games oneself, I prefer playing games with others. I also enjoy writing.

Temi Owolabi Afrikindness

My Story

My story isn’t one that started with me being kind to myself or identifying with my origin. I grew up in the UK, and I never had a keen interest in learning about African culture, especially Nigeria. The reasons being that it wasn’t often a suitable discussion with my friends. We hardly talked about cultures. Our talks were centered around video games, alarming news, school work, etc. Moreover, I also felt a bit embarrassed when I went to church in my African attire or when my parents came to pick me up from school in their attire. This wasn’t necessarily because I hated Africa; I felt like the odd one out, and I thought my friends would make fun of me.

However, my perspective changed when I watched a video on identity and values. The video told me that everyone is different in their way, even if it’s their skin colour, hobbies, religion, and where they come from. Even identical twins are different in some way. With my change of perspective, my parents encouraged me to do a fact file on Africa to help me get in touch with my culture. During my research, I discovered that there are children just like me who don’t have the basic needs of food, clothes, and water, not to talk of quality education. I couldn’t believe it at first, and my heart went out to them.

Temi owolabi afrikindness

This discovery got me thinking. This world is not an equal place. Some people are rich, and some people are poor, some countries are wealthy, and some are not, but those who are fortunate enough to have food regularly need to help those who may not have enough food.

I saw many pictures of malnourished people. I was shocked when I saw people, especially children with diseases. Well, I knew such challenges existed in the world but I never had the time to self-reflect on them. It is actually REAL. And instantly, I was filled with compassion, empathy, and pity towards children like myself that don’t have it easy in life; subsequently, the passion for helping other children was born.

Our tenth birthdays are a big thing for us, but for the first time in my life, I didn’t care about myself or my wants. I just wanted the other children to have a good life. So, instead of having the blast birthday party I had been looking forward to, I chose to pledge my tenth birthday to feed less-privileged children in Nigeria. I partnered with the FoodClique charity organization for the War against Hunger 10th birthday pledge and organised a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds. FoodClique, one of the charities we love, supports the initiative to help malnourished people in Nigeria (my home country) by giving free school meals to children in schools, doing community kitchens for all ages, and box meals for families.

I pledged my birthday foodclique

I rallied with my friends, and together we reached out to our parents and carers and they donated money in place of birthday gifts to support the charity cause. We raised about £1,000 from the GoFundMe campaign. Partnering with FoodClique, over 750 children and adults were fed through the following charity projects implemented.

  • Free School Meals at Destiny Primary School, Makoko, Lagos, Nigeria,
  • Community Kitchen at The Destitute Home, Okobaba, Lagos, Nigeria and
  • Food Box Distribution at Modupe Cole Memorial Child Care and Treatment Home School in Nigeria. You can find out more information about the completed projects here.

My appreciation to all the donors for their generous donations and support

There were some funds left after my 10th birthday campaign, and I was looking to contribute it towards fixing the water borehole system for Ipakodo Grammar School Ikorodu Lagos Nigeria after seeing some pictures of what it looked like. However, when the Foodclique CEO and team visited the school, they returned with more bad news about its deplorable state.

I once heard this quote by St Augustine from my mum - ‘Hope has two daughters: Anger and courage.  Anger is to be angry at the way things are but also have the Courage to see that those things do not remain as they are’.  Seeing more pictures of the state of the school made me angry yet gave me the courage to want to help and do something about it. So, I decided to help raise funds to renovate the school.

Together with two of my friends, Timi and Xavier, we executed a charity project to renovate the school, partnering with FoodClique to execute the renovation project. We initiated a 10km (approximately 6 miles) winter walk, of which over 30 children and adults participated.

Foodclique 10k walk

We made several presentations to Local Churches in Leeds, Nigeria Community in Leeds, a Leeds Councillor, and other prominent places in Leeds to create awareness of Nigeria's challenges and raise more funds. A 10K Charity Walk for Quality Education in Nigeria GoFundMe campaign was set up to facilitate fundraising.

Temi Xavier Timi Foodclique 10k walk initiative
Temi Xavier Temi local church presentation
Temi Owolabi presentation in local church
Temi Xavier Temi local church presentation bridge community church leeds
Temi Xavier Temi local church presentation local bridge community church leeds

10k Walk initiated by my friends Xavier Oladimeji and Timilehin Kayode, and me

It was really fun doing the 10k walk with my friends

A delightful total of a little over £5,600 was raised to carry out the renovation. The high school accommodates over 1000 students and has three sections: junior, senior, and inclusive. From the available funds donated, the charity project covered the renovation of the senior and the inclusive section, which is for the speech impaired, blind and deaf children. The school leaders, the Local community, and the FoodClique were extremely grateful for what was accomplished.

Check out the transformation of the renovated high school

We got approval from the Lagos State Government to commission the renovated school​. In November 2021, I was invited to attend the commissioning of the renovated Ipakodo Grammar school, where I read my speech during the commissioning event, which was graced by a lot of people and many dignitaries.​

It was wonderful to see how delightful the students were about the renovation of their school

I toured the school afterward and realised that more was to be done. There weren’t books for the school kids in the library, and they were in dire need of one. They still needed books for their Library and furniture for the classrooms. I then reached out to my school, Papplewick, ​and they were so kind to donate books to the school.​ There is an ongoing donation to get furniture for the school as well.

I’m currently an Ambassador of FoodClique and I support other charities too. I’ve raised funds, worked with, and currently working with Compassion UK, World Vision UK, and St John Ambulance. There are other charities that I love and I am looking to support.

Afrikindness - how it started

There are so many places like Ipakodo Grammar school which need our support. The Government of Nigeria can’t do everything, and while at that, the students need help​. So Afrikindness was born to bring together everyone, especially children, to help others.​ Afrikindness is a good cause to inspire people to do more to help sustain the quality of life for others, collectively making an impact across the ​world. ​We want young people, particularly of African descent living abroad, to embrace their heritage and help struggling counterparts in any way we can.

My journey through charitable works has given me a new perspective on what life’s about and the joy of giving. I love it when I see a person who is happy and healthy. Poverty and unclean water are the kinds of things that shouldn't be in the world. It’s like when a friend or family member gets a present, I can’t help but smile when they get what they want. That’s why I’m not stopping. Charity is a part of me, and I will always cherish it and won’t stop doing it.

I appreciate all that has been done and what has been donated so far. There is still a lot more we can do. So let’s work together with Afrikindness to help young people live in accordance with the three pillars for a good life: Good Food, Quality Education, and Clean Water. Get involved. Be an inspiration; let’s change lives.

Other fun facts about me

I also enjoy writing. If you would like to know more about my book called ‘Lost In Space - The Adventure of Tom Walker, you can check through [Amazon link]

Please follow us on Instagram [link]

Royalties from the book will be used for Afrikindness initiatives.



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